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Peanutz Support

How can we help you today? Click here to contact support or find the answer to the most commonly asked questions below.

Remember, we’re here to help you become more successful. So don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help with something, or if you have a question. We’re just one click away.
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We'll do our best to get back to you within one workday.
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Send an email to and our team will help you find a good fit.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Started with Peanutz
Pricing & Discounts
How do I create an account with Peanutz?
It’s simple. Just click here to sign up for a free trial. It only takes 20 seconds.

All we ask for is:

1. Your name
2. Your email
3. A password

That’s it.
Can I import my existing contacts into Peanutz?
Yes, we’ll actually do this for you as a free bonus once you start your paid plan, or get the lifetime deal.

Already did that?

We’ll email you within 5 minutes of starting your plan or getting the lifetime deal.

Didn’t get the email?

Reach out to support by emailing or fill in the support form below.
Can I get a discount?
Yes, you can get a 53% discount on your subscription, but we’re only offering it for a limited time, so make sure to lock in the discount forever by signing up for a free 14-day trial.

Or you can get the lifetime deal and save up to 90%!
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept payments through Paypal and all the big credit card providers. Click here to sign up for a free trial today, or start your paid plan.
Can I change my subscription plan at any time?
Yes, you can change your subscription whenever you want.
What is the difference between the monthly and annual plans?
The annual plan is 25% cheaper than the monthly plan, and on top of that, you’ll save time and money on bookkeeping. That’s the only difference. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free trial today.
Are there any additional fees or hidden charges?
No, we don’t believe in lock-in. And there are no setup fees or long-term contracts.

We do our best to be 100% transparent.

No surprises.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Don't worry! Our support team is here to help… Just fill in the form below and we’ll do our best to get back to you within one workday.
Remember, Peanutz is all about keeping things simple and down to earth. So don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need help, have a question, or just want to share your thoughts with us.